Monday, June 25, 2012

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Captivating a Man

Four Things to Remember When Trying To Captivate a Man

First and foremost, clingy doesn't work. Second on the list (and could be interchanged with first) is needy. Clinging to a man's coat tail is a reflection of insecurity. You're scared that if you leave him alone too long, he will find someone else. Well, the truth is, if you don't give him the space to breathe, you will have the exact same result you were trying to avoid. He will find someone else.

Sex does not mean love. If you have sex with him too soon or the only interaction you have with him is sexual then there's no challenge for him. He doesn't have to put forth any effort into a relationship because he can have you whenever he calls (even at 3 a.m. when he's sloppy drunk). Men want a challenge. They want to chase, acquire and conquer their aspirations. If it's handed to them on a plate, he will clean the plate and throw it in the sink until he wants another feeding.

Remember that friendship doesn't always lead to relationship. You want to be a best friend to him and solve all his problems. You think that doing this will make him love you for the rest of his life. While you absolutely should be friendly, don't try to be his best friend. In the role of best friend, he will share all his thoughts with you including thoughts of other women that interest him. The painful part is you won't be one of those women you hear about.

So what is it that captivates him? It's just four little words: confident, emotionally secure women. Rejoice in the fact that you are an amazing woman. Be a woman that knows what she wants from life and actively pursues to achieve it. Keep your emotions in check. Be reasonable and rational on a level that he can relate. Remember that you are human; thus you are imperfect.

Recognize your shortcomings and make a plan to correct them. Allow him to recognize his own shortcomings and let him fix them. Know that you are an asset to any man and appreciate that he is lucky if you choose him to be in your life. Make the man a part of your life, not the entirety of your life. Live life with a sense of excitement and watch him seek your time.


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